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Policies & Aims

Nendrum College, has served the educational needs of the town of Comber and its surrounding area for over 50 years. The College constantly keeps abreast of educational developments and with its well-qualified and highly motivated staff, the College continues to build a reputation of having high standards in all areas of the curriculum.

The aim of the school is:

To provide a disciplined yet caring and supportive environment in which each pupil is encouraged to attain their true potential both academically and personally.

To achieve our prime aim we seek:

  • To ensure that each pupil has access to a broad and balanced range of learning experiences throughout their post-primary education;
  • To provide a coherent and relevant programme for each pupil to gain knowledge, skills and understanding, and a sense of personal achievement;
  • To regard each pupil as an individual with different needs and expectations who develop a sense of personal worth and respect for others;
  • To encourage each pupil to accept and appreciate the need for rules and moral standards of behaviour, in order to develop a personal code of self-discipline; and
  • To develop an on-going educational partnership between the College, parents, local employers and the local, national and global community.

We firmly believe that our pupils have a much better opportunity of reaching their true potential and developing their many talents in a caring and supportive environment, where they are able to look forward to coming in to school and where expectations are not only high but achievable for each individual.

Pastoral Care

In Nendrum College, we foster a warm, friendly, and supportive environment for all our pupils, often referred to as the “Nendrum family”. We share the responsibility of celebrating, supporting and encouraging each other.

Each class is the responsibility of a Form Teacher who registers the pupils in the morning and cares for their immediate pastoral needs. The Form Teacher monitors each pupil’s welfare, academic progress, punctuality and behaviour and are the first point of contact between home and the College. Form Teachers are supported in these roles by a Year Head and Head of Junior/Senior School. Our pastoral structure has been designed so that both teachers and pupils can clearly identify the appropriate support when the occasion arises. An independent counselling service provides pupils with an opportunity to talk in confidence to a qualified counsellor on a weekly basis.

The work of the Form Teacher is supplemented by the ‘Learning for Life and Work’ programme of Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability, which is delivered in a manner which is conducive to the ethos of the College and is underpinned by the United Nations’ Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Our mentoring programme encourages GCSE pupils who benefit from either academic or pastoral support to ensure they achieve their full potential. Each member of staff supports one pupil as they prepare for their GCSE examinations.

Please have a look at our Pastoral Care Padlet for information.

Positive Behaviour

The aim of the College is ‘to provide a disciplined, yet caring and supportive environment’ and for this reason our pastoral care structures are an integral part of positive behaviour in the College.
All pupils at Nendrum College are expected to behave to a standard outlined in our School Rules. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour at all times and display good manners, consideration and respect for their peers and College staff.
Positive behaviour and achievement are rewarded throughout the College via our Merit, Pupil of the Month and House Systems.
Behaviour is monitored through the pastoral care structure of the College and we actively seek parental participation in any issues should they arise.


In Nendrum College we believe that homework plays an important role in each pupil’s learning and development. The establishment of self-discipline and good working habits ensures steady progress is made and improves retention and understanding. Homework is set on a regular basis and is quality assured across the school. The frequency and nature of tasks vary between practical and more literary subjects.

A homework diary is provided for all pupils to help them manage their time and work load. This is checked by Form Teachers on a weekly basis. The diary is a useful communication tool between school and home, and parents are encouraged to take an active interest in the work their child completes at home, as well as signing the diary weekly.