Head of Department | Subject Teacher |
Mr Jones | Miss Burton |
Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
In the first three years at Nendrum College pupils will receive three periods each week (1 hour 45 minutes). Pupils can then opt to study Technology and Design; and OS Construction at GCSE level.
Unit 1: | Technology and Design Core Content | External written examination | 25% |
Unit 2: | Product Design | External written examination | 25% |
Unit 3: | Design and Manufacturing Project | Controlled assessment | 50% |
At KS4 our pupils follow the CCEA GCSE Technology and Design Specification. This specification aims to encourage students to use imagination and develop skills of creativity and critical analysis through making links between existing solutions, technological knowledge and the principles of good design; communicate design ideas and decisions using a range of media and techniques; use a broad range of materials, components and technologies, as well as practical skills, to develop and produce high quality, imaginative and functional prototypes; consider aesthetic, technical, economic, environmental, ethical and social dimensions when engaged in design and making; consider the costs in the making and marketing of products; apply health and safety procedures to ensure safe working practices; analyse and develop existing products and develop practical solutions to needs, wants and opportunities, recognising their impact on quality of life; develop decision-making skills through individual and collaborative working; apply appropriate technology and design terminology; understand that designing and making reflect and influence cultures and societies, and that products have an impact on lifestyle; and combine skills with knowledge and understanding in order to make quality products.
Unit 1: | Bench Joinery | 50% |
Unit 2: | Carpentry and Joinery | 50% |
At KS4 our pupils follow the CCEA OS Construction Specification. This unit is designed to provide vocational skills in joinery. This unit includes consideration of health and safety issues with respect to activities in carpentry and joinery consideration of career opportunities related to working with wood in the construction industry an appreciation of environmental issues relating to timber the appropriate use of basic carpentry and joinery hand tools and hand-held power tools construction of a range of carpentry and joinery models relating to site-based activities, incorporating a wide range of joints and jointing methods; and a review and evaluation of performance. This subject is 100% portfolio based.