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  • Child Development


    Head of Department Subject Teachers
    Mrs Watts Miss Walsh

    Key Stage 4

    Unit 1: Parenthood, Pregnancy and the Newborn Baby External written examination 30%
    Unit 2: The Development of the Child (0–5 Years) External written examination 30%
    Unit 3: Investigation Task Controlled assessment 40%

    At KS4 our pupils follow the CCEA GCSE Child Development Specification. This specification aims to encourage students to follow a broad, coherent and worthwhile course of study; develop the knowledge, understanding and skills (including practical skills) required for working in the area of child development; understand pregnancy, parental responsibilities and young children’s overall needs; understand how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle; develop their knowledge and understanding of human needs in a multicultural society; increase their knowledge and understanding of relevant technological and scientific developments; develop a critical and analytical approach to decision making and problem solving; examine issues that affect the quality of human life, including an appreciation of diversity; evaluate decisions so that they develop as informed and discerning consumers; make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices; and engage actively in studying child development to develop as effective and independent students.