Head of Department: Mrs Blake
Unit 1: | Exploring the Media | Written examination | 40% |
Unit 2: | Understanding Media Forms and Products | Written examination | 30% |
Unit 3: | Creating Media Products | Controlled assessment | 30% |
At KS4 our pupils follow the WJEC Eduqas Media Studies Specification. The media play a central role in contemporary society and culture. They shape our perceptions of the world through the representations, viewpoints and messages they offer. The media have real relevance and importance in our lives today, providing us with ways to communicate, with forms of cultural expression and the ability to participate in key aspects of society. The economic importance of the media is also unquestionable. The media industries employ large numbers of people worldwide and operate as commercial industries on a global scale. The global nature of the contemporary media, coupled with ongoing technological developments and more opportunities to interact with the media, suggest that their centrality in contemporary life can only increase.