The Year 12 Mentors are very carefully chosen by the Head of Senior School, Head of Year 11, Head of Junior School and Head of Year 8. They are chosen as they have been good role models throughout their time at Nendrum College. Their duty is to be a peer mentor to their Year 8 form class. They help the Year 8 students settle into life at Nendrum College on their Induction day in June and in their first few days at the college. They stay with them to help them get organised, move around the building and in getting use to their new timetable. After, they attend their form class every Friday morning, working through ‘Big School’ issues, adapting to their new classes, forming new friendships and getting used to new subjects.
Throughout the year, they then work with them on Friday mornings: helping them with study skills for exams, peer pressure, friendships, being safe online and any other topics that arise throughout the year. The mentor works closely with their form class and is always there to support them should they need them. They help establish good communication between their peers and teachers and provide support for our Year 8 students in helping them build confidence in their first year at the college. They listen actively and compassionately and work closely with form teachers and the Head of Year.