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  • Student Council

    At Nendrum College, we believe that a successful Student Council is integral to nurturing responsible, collaborative and proactive young people. Our Student Council aims to bring community and strength within the school by complimenting whole school action plans to broaden students’ horizons, build confidence, independence and encourage excellence.

    Pupil's voice

    We are very interested in the views and opinions of our pupils. The Student Council gives pupils the opportunity to have a voice in school matters which directly affect them.

    Student Council Aims

    1. To gather the pupil’s views on various aspects of school life by liaising with year group representatives during form class.
    2. To represent the pupil’s views at monthly meetings so that the Student Council can feed back to the Senior Leadership Team.
    3. To identify areas of the college which would benefit from improvement.
    4. To liaise with the student body on issues which are a cause for concern.
    5. Encourage and implement the Northern Ireland Curriculum objectives.
    6. To represent the student body in meetings.

    Student Council Meetings

    During a Student Council meeting, a number of points about the college development are raised. These points vary from small suggestions like introducing new extra curricular activities to the provision of the food at school.