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  • The Net

    We at Nendrum have a strong bond with our local Youth for Christ centre. Many of our pupils attend their drop in after school sessions and the relationships formed there help pupils get to know others from different year groups.

    The staff from The Net are also present within the school at different times throughout the year, firstly for our Year 8 induction days at the end of August. This is to help the new Year 8 intake get to know one another, settle into the building and ask some pressing questions about the changes they face.

    This helps bond and settle the new pupils before they officially start as Year 8. The Net run a transition programme throughout P7 for all local Primary schools, this along with the two transition days they offer here at the College help those children to settle in to their new life at Nendrum.

    The Nets core aims: to engage with young people, support them in their whole-person development and help them to reach their full potential.

    Through our provision, we seek to act as significant adult influences upon all young people with whom we engage; acting to support, encourage, and be a source of hope and motivation to overcome their circumstances… "reaching their full potential”.

    If you'd like to know more about the Net or find out about what programmes and sessions they run, take a look at their website here.